Quality Policy

Essex Security Solutions Ltd acknowledges that an essential management function is overseeing and guaranteeing health, safety, quality, and the protection of the environment. We see these things as a vital part of our responsibilities and adopt these quality standards as integral to running a good business.

We shall carry out all our business operations in compliance with the following general principles while continually striving to improve our quality management activities.

We will always:

  • Strictly obey all laws and regulations that are applicable.
  • Attempt to best utilize all management resources to achieve quality and continually strive to improve our performance.
  • Inform everyone in our organization and all other interested parties of our quality objectives and our performance in light of these objectives.
  • Take every possible measure to provide safety for all employees, associates, subcontractors and any other people who come in touch with our work or our work sites. • Cooperate and collaborate with suppliers and customers to uphold and practice the highest standards of quality.
  • Consistently evaluate business decisions by taking their possible quality impacts into account, now and in the future.
  • Including quality managements concerns and responsibilities in all staff training.
Quality Policy